When it comes to sterilization of dental instruments, dental offices have a choice between dry heat sterilizers and autoclave sterilization, which could be done with automatic autoclaves or manual autoclaves. Some offices use both types for different situations.

Autoclave sterilization uses steam to sterilize instruments and equipment. This common method is a fast, efficient way to ensure instruments are properly cleaned.
Dry heat sterilizers can sterilize dental tools without the use of steam, which is necessary for certain tools that might be damaged with moist heat. Dry heat sterilization is also a low-cost option, with less upkeep necessary for preventative maintenance and less electrical usage over time.
Autoclave Sterilizers
Autoclave sterilizers are the most common type of sterilizers used in dental offices. They involve heating water in a closed chamber, creating steam and pressure. The resulting heat is the sterilizing agent.
The advantages of autoclave sterilizers include the ability to sterilize a lot of objects at once and short sterilizing cycle lengths. Some disadvantages include hard water spotting, the need for drying instruments, damage to some heat-sensitive plastics and rubber items with moist heat, and rusting of some carbon steel materials.
DuraPro Health offers affordable autoclave sterilizers in a range of sizes and styles. Choose from automatic autoclaves, which offer the convenience of sterilization with the push of a button, and manual autoclaves, which are less expensive and provide more control over sterilization settings like temperatures.
Whichever type of autoclave you choose for your practice, you can be confident that DuraPro Health provides the most affordable prices from the most trusted brands, including Midmark, Tuttnauer and more.
Dry Heat Sterilizers
Dry heat sterilization involves heating air and transferring heat energy to the instruments. The process requires temperatures of 320 to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
Advantages of dry heat sterilizers include little to no rusting of carbon steel instruments, no drying required and relatively low-cost upkeep and operation. Disadvantages include longer cycle times, the necessity for items to be dry when loaded and the possibility of damage to some materials at such high temperatures.
There are two main types of dry heat sterilizers. Static air or oven sterilizers use convection to sterilize, while forced air sterilizers (aka rapid heat transfer sterilizers) circulate heat through the chamber to sterilize.
DuraPro Health offers a variety of dry heat sterilizers with different capabilities and different price points to fit your practice's needs. Choose from trusted brands like CPAC, Steri-Dent and Cox, all at affordable prices.
DuraPro Health also offers a wide range of autoclave and sterilizer parts at affordable prices.
Get More for Your Budget at DuraPro Health
DuraPro Health offers a 40 to 60% savings on brand name dental equipment for your practice, plus a comprehensive selection of products, including sterilization equipment, refurbished imaging equipment, patient care and exam room supplies, cabinetry and more. Our inventory also includes quality refurbished and certified pre-owned products. We also offer delivery and installation, top-notch product service and support, and extensive parts and labor warranties.
Contact us anytime if you have questions about the best instrument sterilization products for your practice.
Dry Heat Versus Autoclave Sterilization